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Projects form the top-level entity in the Anneal system. Most things that you work on in Anneal will belong to a project.


Projects are intended to represent a significant body of engineering work that involves multiple engineers working together to develop a product, such as a vehicle or vehicle sub-system. We recommend that project scope is not reduced too far, as the Anneal system is most effective when managing projects with some degree of complexity.


For typical team sizes, do this:

2024 Formula Student Car
2024 Formula Student Powertrain

And don't do this:

2024 Formula Student Front Suspension Rocker Assembly


Milestones can also be used to break large projects into more manageable sections, while still providing valuable visualisation and tracking functionality.


Your projects will eventually contain tasks, faults, task boards, milestones, and likely a range of files/documents as well.

Beyond these items, each project will also allow you to view dashboards and Gantt charts.