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Reviews & Approvals

Checking and approval procedures are a critical part of any engineering process, and a component of many quality management systems. Anneal supports this functionality via the review and approval of both tasks and faults.

At present, review and approval settings can be configured in three places:

  1. Workspace-wide, by an Admin user, via the workspace settings Approvals page.
    • This allows an Admin to set how many users of each user type are required to approve both tasks and faults.
  2. Task-scope, by a Manager or Engineer user, via the task page.
    • This allows a Manager or Engineer to set how many users of each user type are required to approve the specific task.
  3. Fault-scope, by a Manager or Engineer user, via the fault page.
    • This allows a Manager or Engineer to set how many users of each user type are required to approve the specific fault.

Approval Fallthrough

In the case of both tasks and faults, the approval process is hierarchical, and approvals 'fallthrough' automatically where necessary.

Also referred to as automatic downward role substitution, this means that where a task requires approval by a user with the Engineer user type, this approval can be provided by any user with Engineer seniority or higher, i.e., Engineer, Manager, or Admin.


The checking and approval procedure is likely to be simplified in a coming release. In line with our preference for opinionated software, we plan to remove the ability to configure the number of approvals required on a per-task and per-fault basis, and instead introduce simplified, workspace-wide settings for items of different complexity.